February 23, 2012

36 weeks

I had another ultrasound done on Tuesday where they were checking fetal weight, placenta position, and rechecking to make sure "she" is still a "she", along with the normal development or whatever they check for. As the results showed, she is definately still a girl, weighing about 6 lbs 5 oz, and everything is developing perfectly and measuring exactly on my due date of March 23rd. However, the low lying placenta that they assured me would move up and out of the way has not done so and is still low lying. The technician could not get a clear view of where the end of it was in relation to my cervix because the baby's head is so low into the pelvis already, and because it is posterior which means at the back of my uterus, which is also uncommon. She said the doctor would let me know if I would require a c section or not at my next appointment, which was today.

Chase was able to go with me to the appointment today. The doctor suggested more ultasounds. This seems like a waste of time and money to me because the placenta is not going to move in one week and the baby's head isn't going to be moving back up either. So we decided to go ahead with a c section delivery plan. This placenta issue is just the icing on the cake, since I wanted a c section from the beginning because of the hard birth experience I had with Hunter. Then we found out she's a pretty big baby already and still a month to go. We would prefer to be better safe than sorry and my doctor scheduled my delivery for 39 weeks which is March 16th (the day before St. Patrick's day). If I go into labor before that, it will be an emergency c section before labor can progress.

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