March 23, 2009

The Name Game

We are still anxiously awaiting the ultrasound to tell us if we have a little girl or boy on the way, but we have come to a conclusion on the names. If it's a boy, his name will be Hunter Louis. We came up with Hunter because that is the meaning of Chase's name. Louis is the middle name of Chase, and his dad, Monte. If it happens to be a girl, her name will be Skyler Dawn. Skyler is the one and only name we could agree on, so it won by default, ha. And Dawn is after my grandfather, Donald. Our ultrasound appointment is still scheduled for April 6th, but with Chase's new job schedule, we may end up doing it a day or two earlier. Can't wait to find out!


  1. Hey Tami and Chase!

    I love the blog!!! I can't wait to hear every bit of news about your baby. It's so awesome to see you becoming a mom, Tami. I'm praying for both of you guys daily and for little Skyler or Hunter. Love you. Uncle Andrew

  2. oh wow! you get to find out pretty soon if it's a boy or girl!!!! i'm so excited for you guys and so excited that we are so close together. we can call eachother and know that we wil most likely be going throught the same things at the same time! we can ban together at family things and just sit with our big bellies and make the boys bring us just what we want ;) ya right! pregnancy is so great huh? the sickness part SUCKS! but once you get passed that it is all fun and games!!!!

  3. opps! i was signed in under my brother in law's name, that was my comment (jessica)

  4. Hey Chase and Tami,

    This is so exciting to hear about all the fun details of your pregnancy. What a great way to let us all know what is going on. I learned alot of new things I didn't know about our little grandchild's first few months in the womb - or bun :). I will never look at a bag of KFC in the same way again! We are all so excited for both of you. You will make really fun and loving parents. We love you both, Mom

  5. This is the first time I have blogged and I'm trying to get the hang of it. I thought I wrote the above comment under my name, but it shows Stephen. Oh, well, you know it's me anyways. Mom
