March 1, 2013


Love the weather, love our tax return, love Skyler's first time to Disneyland, love Hunter's new teeball program, love our new furniture, LOVE February. So many great things this month! And throw in a Superbowl Party and Hunter's Valentine's Party and we were a busy bunch this month.

Hunter and his team, The Rockies...

 Our new monster couch... ALL seats recline!!! We were able to move our old set into the front room and what a difference it made! Just need a few lamps and decor, rearrange some things, but our house is finally getting closer to being furnished :)

I've been spending nap times this month preparing for Skyler's "A your adorable" first birthday party, and so excited to celebrate the great joy she has brought to our lives over the past year. 
Skyler's middle name, Dawn, has a special meaning to us as she is named after my grandfather, Donald. He had a great love of music and always sang to my cousins and I.  "A your adorable" by Perry Como was his special song. I grew up with my Mom singing this song to me every night as well, and have kept up the tradition with both of my kids.  I so wish he could be with us at Skyler's first birthday party, along with her other great grandparents she was never able to meet. But it will be a great day of celebration for a very special little girl that has brightened so many lives. 

1 comment:

  1. I love reading all of your creative writing and posts. Such fun memories you have helped create for all of us.
